1 may 2013

Get in my belly!

One of the best things in this world is food, am I right? 

Sometimes I share some of my meals on my instagram (@cclaudya) and they look deliciously nice on there! I have abandoned my blogspot, too much! And I want to make it look nice... So I'm gonna share with you some of my meals, I wouldn't say they are all healthy but are absolutely  yummy!

Curried chicken and veggies with rice at Nou Vertical restaurant

Strawberries with cream at Nou Vertical restaurant

Salad: Tuna, onion and tomatoes + fruit cocktail at Chesterfield Lounge

 Nachos, cheese, carrots, fried egg, pepper, everything mixed!

Nestlé cereals with banana

fried egg, salad, tomatoes, grated cheese, carrots and pepper.

goat cheese salad

the best: banana, strawberries and chocolate

Cappucino, coffee, cookies and an icecream with caramel

melon, banana and strawberries

And now... I'm hungry! I don't think posting these pictures was a good idea... Haha

I'd love you to comment telling me what are your favorite meals (breakfast, snacks, lunch, etc...) I want to try new things because I'm always eating strawberries and chocolate! :(

Have a lovely day beauties!